The Committee on Representation/Nominating is to provide the Presbytery of the Coastlands with information essential to maintaining Constitutional principles of inclusiveness and representation on all Presbytery committees, commissions, and teams. Based on this information, it will nominate members of all standing committees and officers of the Presbytery, as appropriate.
Click to read the full Committee description.
Hebrews 10:24, 25
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another….”
Our current Committee on Representation members (spring 2024):
Ruling Elder Kathy Ramsay, Chair
Ruling Elder Cherry Oakley
Teaching Elder Lydia Tembo
Teaching Elder Linda Goeddel
Teaching Elder Rob Morrison
To nominate yourself or someone else, please click here and download the form. Complete the form and email to
The Council- The Council consists of Moderator & 6 at large members of 3 equal classes. It represents the ministries and congregations of the Presbytery of the Coastlands and has responsibility for the coordination and program of the Presbytery. Consequently, it has the primary responsibility for determining the support needed by member congregations and ministries; engaging in strategic planning; and developing policies for the Presbytery. Check out the full description here.
Commission on Ministry (COM)- COM consists of 18 members in three equal classes. The committee is comprised of both Teaching and Ruling elders. The Commission on Ministry (COM) is responsible for the health of ministry in the presbytery, attending to the well-being of congregations and their faithfulness in responding to God's call to them as well as the nurture, support and professional development of church professionals. For a full description of COM click here.
Round Table- The Round Table is a representational gathering of leadership across the Presbytery of the Coastlands. The purposes of mutual understanding, knowledge of the work of greater whole, upbuilding, accountability and above all else, prayer so love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight so as to determine what is best and that we may stand firm in one spirit, striving side by-side with one mind for the faith of the gospel (Philippians 1:9-10a, 27). For a full description of Round Table click here.
Standing Administrative Commission (AC) - The AC consists of five members elected for three years. A wide range of experience and background, including pastoral and congregational care, church closures, knowledge of real estate and accounting/finance are some of the qualities needed to be part of the AC. After a season of discernment and partnered conversations with networks of support within the presbytery, it may be determined by a congregation that its church has entered a season of conclusion and should move towards closure so that its ministry and members may find new life in new places. In this case, a congregation may determine its legacy, choosing to dissolve. The presbytery shall elect a standing Administrative Commission AC for the purpose to assist, care, and administer responsibilities for dissolution of congregations. For a full explanation of AC, click here.
PRESBYTERY TRUSTEES -Role of the Trustee - In the Presbytery of the Coastlands the trustees have three primary tasks:
1. To review all transfers of assets, debt service, and leases that exceed the limit congregations can execute on their own.
2. To hire and review compensation and benefits for all staff supervised by the presbytery leaders.
3. To oversee all financial matters of the presbytery to include: budget formation, per capita, investments, and policies governing the aforementioned.
We have three committees reflecting each task; trustees are expected to serve on at least one. We form ad hoc committees that deal with specific matters that arise. We meet once a month, or as needed, via zoom. We are supported by the stated clerk and a presbytery leader.The treasurer attends our meetings as well.
Social Witness and Restorative Justice - As Coastlands Presbytery we strive to be a diverse people of peace, justice, mercy and compassion, following the witness of prophets, teachers and the life of Jesus Christ. To fulfill our calling as caretakers and disciples we seek to manifest God’s desire for all creation through our relationships, ministries, priorities and expressed vision. Click here for the full description. It is not necessary to be a Teaching or Ruling Elder to be a member of this committee.
The Ministry Resource Commission (MRC) is structured to build relationships and strengthen congregations and specialized ministries around the shared vision of the Presbytery. It will offer and develop a range of resources and support around the priorities of our shared vision. New worshiping communities will be fostered and encouraged through the MRC. Click Here for the full description.